About / 關於我們

更名啟事 / Notice: Change of Name

Since August 2014,
Oxford Cantonese-speaking Student Christian Fellowship
has been renamed as
Oxford Christian Fellowship for Chinese Students.


我們的聚會以粵語進行,團契的成員都是在牛津求學或工作的年青基督徒和對信仰有興趣的年青人。聚會主要是在牛津兩所大學學期間周五的晚上舉行,內容包括晚膳、詩歌、分享和祈禱。當中也有講座、查經、工作坊及戶外活動等各式各樣的活動。有意參加或欲知詳情,請電郵至 oxfordcfcs@gmail.com 或加入我們的 facebook group

本團契曾於基督教刊物號角月報英國版 (Herald Monthly UK)
2013 年 10 月的教會介紹版刊登文章. 請按以下連結閱覽.

教會介紹: 牛津學生(粵語)團契


We are a group of university students who are currently studying or working in Oxford and are passionate about sharing our Christian faith with the others, through discussion and communication. We welcome, therefore, all Christians and those who are keen to know more about our faith to participate in our meetings and activities.

Our regular meetings, to be conducted in Cantonese, will be held on most of the Friday evenings during the term time of Oxford’s two universities. Our weekly programme will include dinner, singing of hymns, sharing and praying. But from time to time, we will also organise a range of activities, including seminars, Bible study sessions, workshops and outdoor activities.

If you are interested in joining us, you are most welcome to email oxfordcfcs@gmail.com or join our facebook group for further details. We will be most happy to answer any questions you may have.

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