Vision & Mission / 異象與使命



我們是一群在牛津求學、對信仰有熱誠的大學生, 喜歡彼此交流和分享。歡迎基督徒及渴望對基督教信仰有更深認識的朋友參加我們的活動。

我們的聚會以粵語進行。主要是在牛津兩所大學學期間周五晚上舉行,內容包括晚膳、詩歌、分享和祈禱。當中也有講座、查經、工作坊及戶外活動等各式各樣的活 動。


  • 招聚各大學院校的新鮮人,幫助他們適應新環境,讓信徒能帶著宣教心志和意識進入校園,在學業上和生活中實踐信仰。同時,關心未認識耶穌的同學,跟他 們一起探索生命的真義。
  • 透過聯繫來自不同大學院校的學生,以聖經為基礎,一起謙卑學習,反省信仰的內涵,培養屬靈的品格,建立穩定的教會生活。
  • 走進校園,實踐信仰,以實際的行動,關心身邊的友伴,見證並傳揚基督。
  • 彼此激勵,學習將生命主權交給耶穌,裝備自己,承擔天國的使命,成為一生跟隨基督的門徒。
  • 尋找個人獨特的使命,預備畢業後在職場活出信仰,繼續見證基督。
  • 聯絡其他校園團體,建立合一的見証。



We are a group of university students who are currently studying in Oxford and are passionate about sharing our Christian faith with the others, through discussion and communication. We welcome, therefore, all Christians and those who are keen to know more about our faith to participate in our meetings and activities.

Our regular meetings, to be conducted in Cantonese, will be held on most of the Friday evenings during the term time of Oxford’s two universities. Our weekly programme will include dinner, singing of hymns, sharing and praying. But from time to time, we will also organise a range of activities, including seminars, Bible study sessions, workshops and outdoor activities.

Vision and Mission

We will endeavour to gather fresh students of all colleges and universities in Oxford and to help them adapt to their new environment. Furthermore, we will help Christians to embrace the vision and fulfil the mission of evangelism in their campus, as well as practising their faith in their academic pursuit and in all other areas of their life as students. We will, moreover, encourage them to care about their fellow students, who have yet come to know Christ, so that they can explore the meaning of life together.

We will humbly learn the lessons of faith together, reflecting on the meaning of faith, forging our moral character by faith and building a stable church life in faith, by building a link with students of all colleges and universities, and on the foundation of the teachings of the Bible.

We will strive to practise our faith in the campus, by taking the practical actions of showing loving-kindness to and, caring of, the people that we have come into contact with. We will also exert ourselves on bearing witness to and preaching about Jesus Christ.

We will encourage one another to learn the lesson of living a life of submission to Jesus Christ. We will equip ourselves with the knowledge, skills and virtues required of accomplishing the Heavenly mission, so to become disciples of Christ who follow Him in our entire life-time.

We will learn to contemplate and appreciate the unique mission entrusted to us by God, as individual Christians. And be prepared to practise our faith in our work place, so to continue with the mission of bearing witness to Jesus Christ in our career.

We aim to work with other Christian campus organisations, so to build a united testimony of and for Jesus Christ.

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